Thank you for your questions.
Although not all technicalities are set up yet, my goal is to post 
each issue of the reviews and the news as two separate PDF files. One 
could print out the whole PDF or part of it as they wish. The plan is 
that within the PDF itself more content would be linked outside. For 
example, to a vendor's website, or ISBN's linked to Amazon, email 
addresses and so on.

As for historical archiving, all back print issues are kept with the 
AJL archivist Joy Kingsolver. I can say now that we are working with 
Ebsco and planning to contact also JSTOR in order to digitize and 
index back issues. This is still in the works and I will update once 
I have actual results to report. In addition, some of the back issues 
are already on the AJL website (as full PDF files), and I plan to 
post more of them once we have them digitized.

Please let me know if you have further questions.

Uri Kolodney
Hebrew & Jewish Studies Librarian
University of Texas Libraries
The University of Texas at Austin
PCL 2.300 | Mail Code S5440 | PO Box P Austin, TX 78713-8916
Phone: 512-495-4399 | Fax: 512-495-4657   kolod...@austin.utexas.edu


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