The key is to make sure that you have donors sign a written document that 
allows you to discard anything that you don't want to keep.

Here is the University of Pittsburgh Library System agreement (which is online)

Gift policies:
The University of Pittsburgh, upon receipt of the gift material, becomes the 
owner and reserves the right to determine retention, location, cataloging 
treatment and disposal of the material. Material not added to the ULS 
collections may be used for exchange, sold to raise money for book purchases, 
donated to other institutions, or otherwise discarded.

The University of Pittsburgh, due to IRS regulations, cannot provide appraisals 
of donated material.

Donors must notify the University, prior to the donation, if the gift material 
has a significant value of $5,000.00 or more. Donations of significant value 
must have a qualified appraisal, and The University of Pittsburgh will require 
a copy of the appraisal summary.

Please be aware that large gifts may take up to 5 years to be processed

*By checking this box, I agree to the policies listed above.

I used to work as an archivist for the Western Pennsylvania Jewish Archives at 
the Historical Society of Western Pennsylvania. One of the first things that I 
did when I started that job was to write a formal collection policy that 
included details about what types of materials we would add to our collection. 
This policy "protected" me and the Historical Society from accepting many 
categories of unwanted materials that did not fit the scope of our specialized 
collections. The Historical Society (now the Senator John Heinz History Center) 
had a standard donation contract that I used.

Best wishes,

Faye R. Leibowitz
General Languages Catalog Librarian
University Library System
University of Pittsburgh

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