This might sound sacrilegious, but if G-d's name isn't written in the
book, (meaning, it's not a religious item), and no-one wants the book,
there are some amazing DIY projects online to make mobiles, purses, and
the like.  I have an Ellison die cut machine with a bookmark die cut.  I
used an old decrepit book (that was not religious!) to create bookmarks.
I then highlighted specific words to create a brief poem on the face of
the bookmark.  My volunteer loved it as an impromptu gift.  Hang them in
your library window as decorative art!


Well, it's an idea.  I'm still trying to talk patrons into taking old
discarded VHS tapes-I've suggested they unwind the ribbon, and crochet a


It's the "green" way to go.


Susan Fried

Koopman Senior Librarian




[] On Behalf Of
Andrea Rapp
Sent: Wednesday, August 01, 2012 12:31 PM
To:; Deborah Stern
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] "I have some old Jewish books. What can I do


Right, people don't want to supply a list, or even check their titles
from home against our holdings on our online catalog! So if it's not a
great number of books-say 20 or so, I take them, evaluate them, and end
up putting most on the used book sale/cart.

  Also, on the opening day of religious school, when there are hundreds
of parents in the lobby, I always have the books for sale spread out on
a table, "manned" by a student volunteer, and we always sell some then.

  Andrea Rapp

  Wise Temple, Cincinnati

--- On Wed, 8/1/12, Deborah Stern <> wrote:

        From: Deborah Stern <>
        Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] "I have some old Jewish books. What can
I do with them?"
        Date: Wednesday, August 1, 2012, 9:30 AM

        Unfortunately in smaller libraries, including many synagogue
libraries, the items we are offered are not of the caliber that Yaffa
and Zachary mention and I have found people will not comply when I ask
them for a list of the books. A few have actually photographed the
books, which does help. And libraries like mine and SSC libraries are
not set up to deal with rare materials or ephemera, and it's not our
mission to collect such materials. 


        I also run a continuous book sale, but in the end if the books
don't sell then we've taken the responsibility to dispose of them. So
it's often a fine balancing act regarding donations.


Debbie Stern, Library Director

Mordecai M. Kaplan Library

Reconstructionist Rabbinical College



[] On Behalf Of
Weisman, Yaffa
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 7:17 PM
To: Zachary M Baker;
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] "I have some old Jewish books. What can I do
with them?"


To second Zachary's approach:

I spent a 3 months sabbatical last spring going over 18,000 items
offered by an executor of a secular Jewish scholar's library, who's main
interest was political science. Turns out that his father (New York,
Portland, Toronto and Santa Monica) and grandfather (Lithuania) were
scholar rabbis, avid readers and activists in the Jewish community - and
he had their libraries as well. I ended up adding no more than 300 BOOKS
to our collection, but the EPHEMERA that reflected Jewish life in their
communities was priceless and was placed in the rare and special
collections of our library.

And feeding the nosey treasure hunter in me is an added bonus...


Dr. Yaffa Weisman, Director

The Frances-Henry Library

Adjunct Associate Professor


Jack H. Skirball Los Angeles Campus




<> ] On Behalf Of Zachary M Baker
Sent: Tuesday, July 31, 2012 1:47 PM
Subject: [ha-Safran] "I have some old Jewish books. What can I do with


My instinct is to resist these types of invitations, but (to quote the
old New York State Lottery slogan) hey, you never know.  We certainly
don't want to accumulate massive numbers of duplicates that become _our_
problem (or Gifts and Exchanges' problem), instead of the donor's.  On
the other hand, if donors can provide lists that we can select from,
that is helpful.  (One of the first questions I ask, when offered a book
donation, is, May we be selective?)

Or, if we have a sense that the donor had intellectual interests that
might result in significant additions to our research collections, by
all means let's pursue the matter.  My favorite example involved the
library of a deceased scholar of Hungarian Jewry, whose books on the
subject greatly enriched the holdings of the YIVO Library.  I enjoyed
meeting and chatting with the late scholar's widow (an artist) as well.

And sometimes one encounters unexpected -- and welcome -- surprises.  A
couple of years ago an acquaintance invited me to look over her father's
books.  He had died a year or so earlier and the daughter was cleaning
out his house.  I went there with not very high expectations and indeed
the Judaica books on the living-room shelves were fairly slim pickings.
But then I went into the garage and encountered a treasure trove of
"gray literature":  vintage publications -- in Hebrew and English --
devoted to soil science, agricultural development, and water resources
in Israel in the 1950s and early 1960s.  This is precisely the sort of
special collections material that we are collecting at Stanford.  The
1950s-era Israeli children's magazines were a bonus.  (My acquaintance's
father had trained as a soil scientist and lived with his family on an
Israeli kibbutz back then.)

Hey, you never know...

Zachary M. Baker
Reinhard Family Curator of Judaica and Hebraica Collections
Stanford University


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