Elliot & Emily,

I also got this suggestion,

"Jocelyn's recommendation looks like a great place to start. I would also have 
AJL get in contact with Courtney Young, the ALA president 
cl...@psu.edu<mailto:cl...@psu.edu>, who is on the ALA Council.?

From: Hasafran [hasafran-bounces+ssheidlower=york.cuny....@lists.osu.edu] on 
behalf of Elliot Gertel [eger...@umich.edu]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 4:15 PM
To: Emily Bergman
Cc: hasaf...@lists.acs.ohio-state.edu
Subject: Re: [ha-Safran] FW: ALA resolution boycotting companies working with 

Thanks, Emily!  Your voice is an important, profound, and powerful one for the 
cause of truth and fairness.


Elliot H. Gertel
Irving M. Hermelin Curator of Judaica
Curator (Interim), Jewish Heritage Collection
The University of Michigan
Area Programs
111-C Hatcher Graduate Library North
Ann Arbor, Michigan 48109-1190
Phone: 734-936-2367

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 4:03 PM, Emily Bergman 
<emilyanneberg...@gmail.com<mailto:emilyanneberg...@gmail.com>> wrote:
I am on ALA Council and I did see the original resolution.  I have been looking 
for information, especially what to get up and say at the Council meeting when 
it comes up.  I appreciate these documents, and if there's anything you think I 
should add, please send it to me ASAP.  I leave for ALA Midwinter tomorrow.  
I'll do my best to speak for Jews and Jewish librarians on this.

Emily Bergman
Library Committee Chair
Temple Sinai
Glendale, CA

Emily Bergman

Head, Gerontology Library

Psychology Librarian

University of Southern California

Voice: 213-740-3855<tel:213-740-3855>

Fax: 213-740-3854<tel:213-740-3854>

On Tue, Jan 27, 2015 at 10:42 AM, Weisman, Yaffa 
<yweis...@huc.edu<mailto:yweis...@huc.edu>> wrote:
This was sent to me from Elhanan Adler via Yaniv Levi of NLI. Both the pending 
resolution and the case against it are attached. So it is a real attempt in 
real time.
Elliot  & Shoshana, and any other AJL member who has a voice in ALA  – is it 
too late to submit an AJL sponsored statement to ALA’s Council? How does one do 
it? I can write a short one but I need to know which ALA body has the authority 
to publish it.
This is not new(s) and I suggest we highlight the hypocrisy of signaling out of 
Israel as opposed to countries and terrorist organizations who commit genocide 
& war crimes (Nigeria, Hamas, Sudan, etc.), and using anti-Zionism and 
anti-Semitism to politicize a professional organization. We should also mention 
that scheduling such meetings on the Sabbath is offensive to Jewish members of 
ALA and is a de-facto act of censorship.
AJL membership is a rainbow of political convictions vis-à-vis Israel (Thank 
God!), but I am sure we can all agree that Israel’s right to exist is not 
debatable, and that the work of our colleagues in Israel promotes coexistence 
and peace and shouldn’t be reviled and railroaded by ALA.


From: Yaniv Levi [mailto:yaniv.l...@nli.org.il<mailto:yaniv.l...@nli.org.il>]
Sent: Tuesday, January 27, 2015 8:42 AM
To: Weisman, Yaffa
Cc: Oren Weinberg; Elhanan
Subject: ALA resolution boycotting companies working with IDF

Dear Yaffa,

I have received you mail from Elhanan Adler, who proposed that you might assist.

It was brought to our attention that in the coming ALA (winter) the attached 
resolution would be adopted by ALA council.

1.       Are you aware of this initiative? I found no mentioning of such 
resolution, and I don't know if this is a real thing or not.

2.       Does ALA take such resolution and if so in what forum?

3.       If so, how can we help prevent such resolution? Who can help? What is 

4.        Can AJL assist in such effort?

Thank you in advance,



Yaniv Levi-Korem    |Head of Technical Services

Mobile: +972-52-860-0747<tel:%2B972-52-860-0747>
Tel.:  +972-74-733-6230<tel:%2B972-74-733-6230>

The National Library of Israel, Jerusalem

yaniv.l...@nli.org.il<mailto:yaniv.l...@nli.org.il>  |  


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