Interesting article;!!KGKeukY!kZ-B1G1WbtHlvU1hPye7Hmu3pF54grSkZ9pHeN_1apWiBUzwKUumg1B-ie2tGOg03TQLFRetOXFQDkA$

On Wed, Aug 4, 2021 at 10:22 AM Daniel Stuhlman via Hasafran <> wrote:

> I am a librarian at a Reform congregation.  The library has a collection
> of kippot from bar/bat mitzvah and wedding  celebrations.  I don't know the
> practice of individuals.  In classes some wear a kippah and some don't.  I
> was hoping to do an historical analysis of styles, but I don't have enough
> kippot from before 2000 to make any worthwhile observations.
> In the past couple of weeks we have been cleaning out the building.  We
> found hundreds of kippot that ba'al simhat just left in the building.  I
> gave away a few hundred dark colored ones.  The others were just pitched.
> No one outside of a bat/bar mitzvah event would wear a pink or silver
> kippah. I gave a few to men my age at my orthodox shul.  I offered some to
> a teenager who wore that kind of kippah.  He examined them carefully and
> then said they're more than 10 years old.  That's too old to wear.  The
> kipport looked new.
> For you question 6 " When was the practice of wearing knitted or
> patterned kippot begun in North America? "  I am hoping to study this
> topic.  After Israeli Independence youngsters started wearing blue and
> white kippot.  Before the late 1960's very few people wore kippot in
> public. Observant men would wear a hat in public and put on a kipah when
> indoors. In Germany Orthodox men would put on kippot when studying Jewish
> texts, but not during general studies.
> I hope that helps.
> On Mon, Aug 2, 2021 at 11:01 PM Lisa Silverman via Hasafran <
>> wrote:
>> Hi safranim,
>> I am co-editor of the AJL children's book reviews and have noticed a
>> trend but I need someone who knows more about this to comment, please.
>> It seems that children's illustrators are putting kippot on most of the
>> men and boys in Jewish-themed books, and I assume it is to make them
>> acceptable to all denominations. But I find this a rather false narrative
>> in many of these books.
>>  For instance, there is a lovely new picture book about Rabbi Joachim
>> Prinz and how he was a civil rights activist and spoke at the March on
>> Washington, but he is wearing a very visible kippah there at the Lincoln
>> Memorial, and photos of him at the time do not reflect that.  Here are my
>> questions for anyone who can help--- and certainly one person would not
>> have to answer all of them--
>>    1. Would Joachim Prinz be wearing a kippa at any time in public?
>>    2. Do any Jews affiliated with the Reform or Progressive movements
>>    ever wear kippot in public?
>>    3. Do Reform Jews wear kippot at all times in the synagogue? Do they
>>    have kids wear them at Hebrew school?
>>    4. Would a book be too confusing to children if some men at, say, a
>>    sukkot gathering, wear a kippah and some do not?
>>    5. Do Orthodox or more observant denominations only buy picture books
>>    if all the men and boys wear kippot?  Or do they not buy picture books 
>> from
>>    secular publishers anyway?
>>    6. When was the practice of wearing knitted or patterned kippot begun
>>    in North America?
>> thank you in advance for any light that can be shed on this!
>> *Lisa Silverman*
>> *Co-editor, AJL News and Reviews*
>> *Curator, Jewish Journal Streaming Guide*
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