On Mon, 13 Aug 2007, Henning Thielemann wrote:

> On Mon, 13 Aug 2007, Rohan Drape wrote:
> > your osc file and the generated file are equal,
> > at least according to cmp...
> >
> > ~$ cmp tone.osc ht-tone.osc
> > ~$
> >
> > not sure what the matter can be, a bad scsynth seems
> > unlikely, but what else...  maybe we ought to take
> > this off-list?
> I think the solution will be of interest for users who run into this
> problem in the future.
> My SuperCollider is from an RPM package with version number
> 3.0_cvs20040823, so maybe an update will help.

Indeed, I updated to SuperCollider-3.0-3su93.i586.rpm and now it works!
Thanks for helping with diagnosis!
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