Guerino Mazzola has done a lot of work in this area (using category theory to 
describe music and performance).  He has a couple of textbooks, many papers, 
and most recently this article:

Warning: it's fairly abstract!

On a more practical level, I wanted to mention that in Euterpea a user can 
define a notion of a "player" that interprets note and phrase attributes in a 
"player dependent" manner.  For example, one could define a piano player and a 
violin player that each interpret legato, crescendo, trills, and so on, in 
different ways.  One of the coolest uses of this idea is the definition of a 
"jazz player" that interprets a piece of music in a "swing" style (e.g. 
interpreting a pair of eighth notes as a triplet of sixteenth notes, etc.).  
You can have as many players in a composition as you like.

All of this is described in Chapter 8 of  

Best,    -Paul

Paul Hudak
Professor of Computer Science
Yale University, PO Box 208285
New Haven, CT 06520-8285, 203-432-1235  

-----Original Message-----
From: Evan Laforge [] 
Sent: Thursday, December 19, 2013 7:51 PM
Subject: Re: [haskell-art] abstract music from csound (Was: ANN - 

On Wed, Dec 18, 2013 at 8:52 PM, Rohan Drape <> wrote:
> perhaps see:
> Kirke, A. and Miranda, E. (Eds.) "Guide to Computing for Expressive
> Music Performance", Springer, 2013

Indeed, more than I thought, and there's a whole textbook on it!  Even
with just google books snippets there are references to various
programs I've never heard of, e.g.  I still haven't
figured out exactly what it does, and of course there's no actual
music, but the "documentation" (thesis) starts right off with category
theory, so it must be great :)

Thanks for the reference!

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