I was surprised to learn that indexed insertion:

permutations (x:xs) =
    [insertAt n x perms | perms <- permutations xs,
                          n <- [0..length xs] ]

insertAt :: Int -> a -> [a] -> [a]
insertAt 0 y xs = y:xs
insertAt n y (x:xs) = x:(insertAt (n-1) y xs)

was faster than the usual version of permutation based on "inserts":

permutations (x:xs) =
    [insertAt n x perms | perms <- permutations xs,
                          n <- [0..length xs] ]
insertAt 0 y xs = y:xs
insertAt n y (x:xs) = x:(insertAt (n-1) y xs)

However, try these on for size. The non-strict "flop", which traverses its input exactly once, is the most surprising and made by far the biggest difference:

findmax :: [[Int]] -> Int
findmax xss = fm xss 0
  where fm []     mx = mx
        fm (p:ps) mx = fm ps $! (countFlops p `max` mx)

countFlops :: [Int] -> Int
countFlops as = cf as 0
  where cf    (1:_) flops = flops
        cf xs@(x:_) flops = cf (flop x xs) $! (flops+1)

flop :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int]
flop n xs = rs
  where (rs,ys) = fl n xs ys
        fl 0 xs     ys = (ys, xs)
        fl n (x:xs) ys = fl (n-1) xs (x:ys)

On Jan 3, 2006, at 8:01 PM, Kimberley Burchett wrote:

I took a quick crack at optimizing fannkuch.hs. I got it down from 33s to 1.25s on my machine, with N=9. That should put it between forth and ocaml(bytecode) in the shootout page. The main changes I made were using Int instead of Int8, foldl' to accumulate the max number of folds, a custom flop function rather than a combination of reverse and splitAt, and a simpler definition for permutations.


Kimberley Burchett
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