Andrew Coppin writes:
PR Stanley wrote:
What is the role of ">>"?
How is ">>" different to ">>="? I am aware that ">>=" is used for sequencing parsers but that's all I know about it.

foo >>= bar executes the action "foo" and passes its result to the function "bar" (which must then return another action, which is executed). foo >> bar executes the action "too", and then executes the action "bar". Any result generated by "foo" is discarded

I believe that our - sometimes helpful, sometimes not - answers should
regularly encourage the newbies to *READ* the tutorials, the documentation,
My goodness, is it really too difficult? Then, the answer would be given
by the default definition in the Prelude:
-- Minimal complete definition:
m >> k = m >>= \_ -> k
which means exactly that, >>= is the base, >> uses it, but doesn't care
about the argument. And shows that the verbal explanation, "actions",
"executed", etc. may not be true in general
I know that asking helpful humans is nicer than reading docs, but the latter
is usually more instructive, and often more efficient. Jerzy Karczmarczuk
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