Add to that better unbox / box annotations, this may make even
 bigger difference than the strictness stuff because it allows
 you to avoid a lot of indirect references do data.

Anyway, if Haskell would do some kind of whole program analyzes
 and transformations it probably can mitigate all the problems
 to a certain degree.

So the slowness of Haskell (compared to Clean) is consequence of
 its type system. OK, I'll stop, I did not write Clean nor Haskell
 optimizers or stuff like that :-D


Peter Hercek wrote:
I'm curious what experts think too.

So far I just guess it is because of clean type system getting
 better hints for optimizations:

* it is easy to mark stuff strict (even in function signatures
 etc), so it is possible to save on unnecessary CAF creations

* uniqueness types allow to do in-place modifications (instead
 of creating a copy of an object on heap and modifying the copy),
 so you save GC time and also improve cache hit performance


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