On Fri, 28 Dec 2007 19:18:33 +0200, ChrisK <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This thread is obviously a source of much fun.  I will play too.

Well, it starts with Wikipedia ... :-)

What is the definition of an entry point in Haskell ?

"Haskell" does not have such a concept. At all. An implementation may have
such a concept.

Then a Haskell module know nothing about them.

Most people on this list define "Haskell" as any attempt at an implementation of one of the standards which define Haskell, most recently the Hakell 98 standard.

This can be nhc / yhc / ghc / hugs / winhugs / helium / jhc. Some of these compile to native code, some compile to byte code for a virtual machine. If an implementation can compile separately, then it might support dynamic libraries.
 If so then a specific version of that compiler will define its own
implementation specific concept of an entry point.

How can one make portable dynamic libraries then ?

What is the semantics of those entry points ?

It depends.  For recent ghc versions, see its user manual:

The conclusion:

Portable Haskell Dynamic libraries does not exists.

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