On 30/11/2008, at 02:43, Brad Larsen wrote:

On Fri, 28 Nov 2008 19:00:38 -0500, Roman Leshchinskiy <[EMAIL PROTECTED] > wrote:

On 29/11/2008, at 10:47, Claus Reinke wrote:
And would it be difficult for you all to agree on a standard API, to
make switching between the alternatives easy (if
it is indeed impossible to unify their advantages in a single library,
the reasons for which should also be documented somewhere)?

Yes, it is very difficult. A sensible API for a standard array library is something that needs more research. FWIW, I don't know of any other
language that has what I'd like to see in Haskell. C++ probably comes
closest but they have it easy - they don't do fusion.

Would you elaborate on what you'd like to see in an array library?

I'd like to have a library which is efficient (in particular, implements aggressive fusion), is roughly equivalent to the current standard list library in power and supports strict/unboxed/mutable arrays. It should also provide a generic framework for implementing new kinds of arrays. And eventually, it should also be usable in high- performance and parallel algorithms.

And perhaps which C++ array library you are thinking of? Your C++ comment caught my attention, and now I'm curious. Surely you don't mean C-style arrays. :-D

No, I meant vector, basic_string and deque which are provided by the standard library.


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