On 29/11/2008, at 10:47, Claus Reinke wrote:

But I don't want Perl, I want a well designed language and well
designed libraries.
I think it's find to let libraries proliferate, but at some point you
also need to step back and abstract.
-- Lennart

Especially so if the free marketeers claim there is something fundamentally wrong with the standard libraries and language, as in the case of arrays. When someone did that nice little survey of the last bunch of array libraries (Bulat, I think? now in the wiki book), I was hoping there would be a grand unification soon. Instead, it seems that those who have worked most with Haskell arrays recently have simply abandoned all of the standard array libraries. Okay, why not, if there are good reasons. But can't you document those reasons, for each of your alternative proposals, so that people have some basis on which to choose (other than who has the loudest market voice;-)?

I think so far, it's always been the same two reasons: efficiency and ease of use. H98 arrays are inherently inefficient and IMO not very easy to use, at least not for the things that I'm doing.

And would it be difficult for you all to agree on a standard API, to make switching between the alternatives easy (if
it is indeed impossible to unify their advantages in a single library,
the reasons for which should also be documented somewhere)?

Yes, it is very difficult. A sensible API for a standard array library is something that needs more research. FWIW, I don't know of any other language that has what I'd like to see in Haskell. C++ probably comes closest but they have it easy - they don't do fusion.

And what is wrong about Simon's suggestion, to use the standard array lib APIs on top of your implementations?

Again, IMO H98 arrays are only suitable for a very restricted set of array algorithms.


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