Thank you for the additional explanation, but it isn't clear that what you have added is inconsistent with my explanation.

The point I was trying to make is that in an impure/imperative world, you may assume that a function is called every time that you use it. However, in a pure world the assumption is that a function called with the same arguments will always return the same result (i.e., referential transparency) so that you only need to run it's code once and then you can re-use that value henceforth.

In practice, of course, what happens under the hood (at least, with GHC) is that "foo <- mkNext" constructs a thunk named "foo" which is evaluated the at the first "print foo" and from then on the thunk is in an evaluated state and so later references to it just use this value rather than re-evaluating it. This is because, due to referential transparency, it is equivalent to think of foo both as a function whose value can be cached and as a constant value that we just don't know yet.

The problem with the "foo" that was defined is that its code will actually give you a different value each time that you run it, violating the semantics of the language since all functions are assumed to be pure. The problem with violating this semantic is that the compiler uses it whenever it can to make things more efficient, which in this case means treating foo as a value that only needs to be evaluated once even though each time you run the code you actually get a different result. Hence, the results are in a sense undefined since the compiler is allowed to run foo as many times as it wants expecting to get the same result each time; for example if two threads evaluated foo at the same time then under pathological conditions the first thread might see "1" and the second thread "2".

So the moral of this story --- and perhaps the point that you were trying to make --- is that it is better to think of "foo" as a constant value that you just don't know yet (until you evaluate) it rather than as a function that you can call.

(Your nitpick that "next" would have been a better name than "foo" is well taken, though.)


On Oct 22, 2009, at 12:48 AM, minh thu wrote:

2009/10/21 Gregory Crosswhite <>:
And just because this has not been explicitly stated: it's not just for
aesthetic reasons that you couldn't do this with a pure function, but
because it violates the semantics and gets you the wrong result. So for
example, if you modified Tim's code to be

import Data.IORef
import System.IO.Unsafe
mkNext :: (Num a) => IO a
mkNext = do
 ref <- newIORef 0
 return . unsafePerformIO $
          modifyIORef ref (+1)
          readIORef ref
main :: IO ()
main = do
 foo <- mkNext
 print foo
 print foo
 print foo

Then the output that you will see (with GHC at least) is
because the compiler assumes that it only needs to evaluate foo once, after which it can cache the result due to assumed referential transparency.
- Greg

This is indeed wrong, but not how you think it is.

The code you pass to unsafePerformIO has type Num a => IO a, so the
value passed to return has type Num a. So foo has type Num a too and
its value is 1.

Exactly like in

mkNext = do
 ref <- newIORef 0
 modifyIORef ref (+1)
 readIORef ref

which is a complicated way to write

mkNext = return 1

Now, it's clear that foo has value 1 and printing it three times
should output three 1. The whole point of having mkNext return an
action (that should be called next, and not foo, as it is much
clearer) in previous code was too be able to execute it multiple times
and having it return a new value.

In general, expecting

print bar
print bar
print bar

outputing three different things is wrong, as bar should be pure. If
bar is not pure, then it should be
a <- bar
print a
b <- bar
print b
c <- bar
print c


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