On Dec 10, 2009, at 12:24 PM, Maciej Piechotka wrote:
[it appears that I have been misinformed about "." vs " . "]

Personally I don't have any strong feelings about conventions as long as
they are consistent within one language. Camel cases are no more
uncommon then the underscore and they saved space in the past (ok. now
it does not matter) and hyphen is very rarly used (to not have problem
with minus).

baStudlyCase was *never* about saving space.
It was copied from Smalltalk by people who failed to realise that
Smalltalk did it that way because the Smalltalk character set didn't
_have_ an underscore.

Nor is being "uncommon" the issue.

For example:
- Java - camel cases both in classes and methods (convention very
similar to Haskell)

which is why I have something similar to my little hspp tool for
reading and writing Java.

The fact that other people do something ill-considered is no reason
why we have to follow them.  Your own list of languages shows that
baStudlyCase is not universal.

For that matter, the Interlisp and S convention was to separate
words in an identifier with dots.

(once again, every runTogetherWord inThisMessage is flagged as a
spelling mistake...)

Thanks to GHC's -F and -pgmF options, people can now choose
whether to writeInAnUnreadableAndUglyStyle or not.  Brilliant!

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