On 10/20/10 9:12 AM, Anthony Cowley wrote:
We don't want people
outside of an area of interest governing name choices that lessen the
value of the tags.

To be honest, when the thread first came up, I was afraid NLP (or AG) would end up on the cutting block because of that...

As a strawman for people to beat up on, what if each tag linked to a
wiki description? Such a description could include a couple sentences
of exposition, and perhaps links to relevant resources.


As an additional strawman, perhaps the "I can use X (package, program, markup language,...)" stuff should be broken out separately from the "skills", just like package authorship is. There seems to be a tension here between resume-esque listing of every competence with some acronym-of-the-day, vs listing larger areas of overall knowledge (NLP, R&A, mathematics,...)

Another alternate is that if a tag becomes *too* popular (i.e. more
than x% of haskellers check it off), then perhaps there should be a
poll to have it removed and its spirit embedded in the general site
text. Tags like "Algorithmic Problem Solving" might fall into this


Another option which may be interesting to pursue is to make the skills list hierarchical, so that when "Algorithmic Problem Solving" gets broken up into Foo, Bar, and Zot, we get the new skills listed as checkable subskills of uncheckable "Algorithmic Problem Solving". ...Though that might just be delaying the garbage collection until later (witness Data.*).

Live well,
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