On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:16 PM, Michael Snoyman <mich...@snoyman.com> wrote:
> On this one you may call be biased, but I think keeping Happstack and
> Yesod on their own makes perfect sense. If I were an employer looking
> to hire someone to work on a project, I would be looking to see that
> they can use my tool of choice.

For the web development frameworks I think it makes sense to be able
to specify which ones you are comfortable with. It also seems like it
would make sense for them to be a sub-category of general web
development. A large portion of web develop knowledge is portable from
one framework to another. So, if you are hiring someone for a
full-time position, the amount of time it would take for them to learn
a different framework would be small in the big picture. But if you
want to hire someone to do a few hours of work, then already knowing
the framework could be critical.

But, I am not sure if sub-categories make sense for other skills. So,
adding that for sake of just one skill would be ugly.

- jeremy
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