On Thu, 2011-01-27 at 09:28 -0600, aditya siram wrote:
> Ye gods! A B & D [1] language for kids?

I do share those concerns.  Like I said in the original post, my initial
reaction was to push for something like Python.  But the kids are very
clear; if I'm at all willing, they want to learn Haskell!  And honestly,
I'd like to try it too, *if* I can do my due diligence research, and pay
attention to others who might have tried and learned some lessons along
the way!

> At least give them a fighting chance [2] at becoming future developers.
> [2] http://scratch.mit.edu/

Thanks for that suggestion; unfortunately, much like the WizBang
suggestion, Scratch is going to come across as if, for some reason,
after happily using GHCi for math, I now don't trust them with a real
programming language.  I can guarantee you they won't be interested in
programming by dragging around brightly colored things that look like
puzzle pieces on the screen; and I can't imagine keeping it up for the
whole year even if they were interested.


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