On 28 January 2011 01:23, Chris Smith <cdsm...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I did look at Haskore, and there's a lot to like about it; but also a
> lot to worry about.  The documentation talks about it only being able to
> do synthesis on Linux (but that documentation seems to be old; I wonder
> if this is still true); it definitely suffers from "wall of modules"
> syndrome ...

Hi Chris

Note that Haskore-vintage and Henning's Haskore are now quite
different. From the date I'd assume John Peterson's slides would have
been using "vintage" Haskore (at the time it wouldn't have been called
vintage, of course).

Vintage Haskore generates MIDI files only, Paul Hudak has a large
tutorial for vintage Haskore, its (probably) too long for kids but you
could certainly crib a lot from it. Paul's also re-doing the "School
of Expression" book to concentrate more on music - I think he's making
drafts available.

If you have Haskore specific queries, the Haskell-art list is better
than Cafe as Paul is a regular commentator there.

Best wishes


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