Thanks Taylor

Minor suggestions

  *   Provide section headings.  “How you use Haskell”, “What platforms you 
use” etc.  I think that’ll help navigation esp if they don’t answer all 
questions.  A single long list is exhausting.

  *   Some questions show “Add an option”, whereas others have a drop-down box. 
 Why?  Perhaps the former you can tick as many as you like?  That was very 
unclear to me.

  *   “How do you feel about the new GHC release schedule?”: can we provide an 
English language box too, rather than four canned responses.  Eg if they say “I 
like it” or “I dislike it” I’d love to know WHY they hold that opinion

  *   Similarly “I am satisfied about X” questions.  If dissatisfied I’d love 
to know
     *   why
     *   what could be better (about the compiler, cabal, stack, libraries resp)
Dissatisfaction alone is not actionable.

  *   For those that use Haskell at work I’d be interested to know the size of 
the team of Haskell programmers; and ideally the company.   For the latter I’m 
thinking of being able to say “the number of companies using Haskell is 
increasing” over time, rather than publicly listing their names.  Maybe it’s 
not worth it.

From: Haskell-community <> On Behalf Of 
Taylor Fausak
Sent: 28 October 2018 18:42
To: Jasper Van der Jeugt <>
Subject: Re: [Haskell-community] 2018 state of Haskell survey

We're creeping closer to the release date. I spent some time this weekend 
tweaking the survey in response to suggestions from this thread and also from 
GitHub. I don't plan on making any large changes to the survey between now and 
Thursday, except in response to feedback. Please take a look at the survey to 
make sure that you're happy with it! Let me know if there are any questions 
that you would like to be added, removed, or changed. You can view the survey 

You can deliver feedback to me either in this thread or on GitHub:

On Fri, Oct 26, 2018, at 8:57 AM, Taylor Fausak wrote:
🎉 Hooray! That’s wonderful news! Thank you,<> 
committee, for supporting the survey.

I plan on releasing this year’s results in the same fashion as last year.

On Oct 26, 2018, at 5:31 AM, Jasper Van der Jeugt 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Taylor,

Yes, we're happy to support it from<>.

One additional ask from our side would be that the raw results are
published as well, but I saw in the issue you're already planning on
doing that.


On Thu, Oct 25, 2018 at 11:18:30AM -0400, Taylor Fausak wrote:
We’re one week out from the release of the survey. I plan on spending this 
weekend putting the finishing touches on it. Can I plan on announcing it as the 
official state of Haskell 2018 survey, supported by both Haskell Weekly and<> <>?

On Oct 17, 2018, at 7:00 PM, Jasper Van der Jeugt 
<<>> wrote:

Hi Taylor,

Just a small comment: I would like to keep the survey open a bit longer -- I 
would suggest two weeks.  This gives us a bit more time to push it out twice to 
as many channels as possible (once at the start and a reminder after a week or 
so).  My intuition is that we'll be able to gather significantly more responses 
that way.

Thanks again for organizing this!


On Thu, 18 Oct 2018 at 00:55, Taylor Fausak 
<<> <>> wrote:
Thank you all for the wonderful feedback so far! I greatly appreciate all of it.

I didn’t mean to be exclusionary with my language before, and I thank y’all for 
correcting me there. “We’re doing this together for the benefit of all” is an 
excellent way to say what I’m shooting for here.

My goal for the survey is to be useful to many different groups of people: the 
GHC team, library authors, application developers, repository maintainers, 
prospective employees, hiring managers, community organizers, and no doubt many 
more groups that I’m not thinking of right now. I want to avoid results that 
are neat but not useful. I also want to avoid results that simply throw fuel 
onto common flame wars.

Last year I announced the survey results and provided some commentary. I 
suspect I’ll do something similar this year, although reading your comments 
here makes me want to do less analyzing in favor of simply publishing. I am not 
particularly adept at analyzing survey results and am bound to make some rookie 
mistakes. In fact, one of the reasons that I published the results last year 
was so that someone who actually knew what they were doing could slice and dice 
the data.

As far as scheduling is concerned, I plan to keep the survey open for a week, 
from November 1st to 7th. Publishing the results should happen relatively 
quickly after that. I slowed myself down last year by rendering a bunch of 
graphs, and even so I published on November 15th.

It sounds like the<> committee is broadly in 
favor of backing the upcoming Haskell Weekly survey. Is that correct? In either 
case, what are the next steps?

On Oct 16, 2018, at 5:10 PM, Boespflug, Mathieu 
<<> <>> wrote:

Since I was pinged up-thread, might as well chime in. If only to say
"I agree": selection bias is what it is. Taylor's efforts to come to
this committee are laudable. And really could help mitigate some
issues we've seen with other surveys. Selection bias isn't something
worth agonizing over, provided we're careful to say in the analysis of
the results: "We found that X% of the respondents of this survey use
Y", not "X% of Haskell devs use Y".

On Tue, 16 Oct 2018 at 21:02, Simon Peyton Jones via Haskell-community
<>> wrote:

| Hi Taylor. I like the way you pose things here: "I don't expect that
| to remove selection bias, but it will let me (us, really) say: We're
| doing this together for the benefit of all sides". I think that's a
| better place to start from.

I like this too -- and like Gershom, I'd delete "sides".  We aspire
to work together, not on different sides.

| earlier I've been thinking about a bit, where you wrote: "My goal is
| for this survey to be *the* authoritative Haskell survey and for the
| community to broadly accept it's results."

This sounds a bit too exclusive to me, and implicitly critical of other
work.  Better to stick to the positives: you simply want the
opinions of a broad constituency on a broad range of questions.

| Anyway, this is all a long-winded way of suggesting that it might be
| good if the purpose of the survey was explicitly set out as trying to
| inform developers of haskell libraries and tools (and educational
| materials) regarding the systems their potential users work on and
| develop, and their habits and practices in doing so, and where they
| encounter difficulty. That is explicitly as a way of learning rather
| than as any sort of horse-race or popularity contest.

That sounds good to me -- but again in drafting the goals I'd stick
to the positives, and not speak about horse-races.

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