>>>>> "Malcolm" == Malcolm Wallace <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

    Malcolm> space-efficiency, portability, and good monitoring tools
    Malcolm> (profiler/tracer).

I noticed the tracer stuff on the nhc web-site. It looks very much
like a declarative-debugger, although that term never appeared in the
documentation I read. Will it in fact be a declarative-debugger ?  

If so, will it be portable to ghc ? I am aware that certain impure
functions are needed for declarative-debugging (e.g. the pointer
comparison function, and also, surely, a function to test if a term
has been evaluated). Are there any other special requirements for the
debugger / tracer ?


T.R.BARBOUR                             Email : [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Department of Computer Science
The University of Melbourne
Parkville, Victoria 3052

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