At 07:52 PM 3/10/98 GMT, Alex Ferguson wrote:
>Steve Roggenkamp:
>> I would like to use Haskell for several larger scale projects, but I
>> can't figure out how to read and write binary data.
>Steve, can you clarify what sort of binary file manipulation it is you
>are actually looking for,...

I don't know what Steve was looking for, but here's one:

Real world example: development tools process a large geometric data set to
build a run-time optimized BSP tree with precalculated lighting and
collision information.  The user application will not modify this data, but
it will have to load it dynamically without slowing down a 30Hz
graphics/interaction loop. (Apologies to Quake and Mario 64 :)

Solution in C: load the data as contiguous raw bytes and cast pointers into
the block to the appropriate structure types.

Solution in Haskell?

Charles Martin // [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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