> Real world example: development tools process a large geometric data set to
> build a run-time optimized BSP tree with precalculated lighting and
> collision information.  The user application will not modify this data, but
> it will have to load it dynamically without slowing down a 30Hz
> graphics/interaction loop. (Apologies to Quake and Mario 64 :)
> Solution in C: load the data as contiguous raw bytes and cast pointers into
> the block to the appropriate structure types.
> Solution in Haskell?

Malcolm Wallace and Colin Runciman at York have been working
on this kind of thing.  They had a paper at the Haskell workshop
last year (which is on Malcolm's home page 
http://www.cs.york.ac.uk/~malcolm/).  I believe they are near to
releasing a revised version.  

It only works for nhc at the moment, but if enough people like you yell loudly
enough (construe this positively!) then we'll put it into GHC/Hugs too.
Our priorities are largely driven by what people ask for.


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