Title: RE: HaskellDoc?

Well, that doesn't even look much like XML: it's not well-formed XML.

Somewhat more *well-formed*:

        Main import module for the Html combinators</Description>
        The Haskell Html Library is Copyright &copy;
        Andy Gill, and the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and
        Technology, 1999, All rights reserved, and is distributed as
        free software under the license in the file "License", which
        is included in the distribution.</License>
        <a href="http://www.cse.ogi.edu/~andy">Andy Gill</a></Author>
        This works with all Haskell 98 compilers.
  <Tested>Hugs98, GHC 4.03</Tested>

But I have no idea what the DTD is, so I don't know if it
would be *valid*.

This assumes that there is an XML namespace called 'haskell'.

The 'a' tag is in XHTML (for backwards compatibility), but not
in XML itself in any way.  So that would need to be replaced
with some XLink stuff (with which I'm not yet familiar).

                Kind regards
                /kent k

> -----Original Message-----
> From: John Peterson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Tuesday, March 14, 2000 4:39 PM
> Subject: Re: HaskellDoc?
> If you've looked at Andy Gill's Html module, he's proposed embedding a
> little XML in a leading comment:
> {-
> <haskell:module>
>   <Name>Html</>
>   <Version>0.1</>
>   <Description>
>       Main import module for the Html combinators</>
>   <License>
>         The Haskell Html Library is Copyright &copy;
>         Andy Gill, and the Oregon Graduate Institute of Science and
>         Technology, 1999, All rights reserved, and is distributed as
>         free software under the license in the file "License", which
>       is included in the distribution.</>
>   <Author>
>       <A HREF="http://www.cse.ogi.edu/~andy">Andy Gill</a></>
>   <Restrictions>
>       This works with all Haskell 98 compilers.
>   </Restrictions>
>   <Tested>Hugs98, GHC 4.03</>
> </haskell:module>
> -}
> We haven't had a chance to formalize this yet but at some point soon
> haskell.org will have a way for users to submit library modules with
> information embedded in this manner and then we will use this
> information to update haskell.org's information about a library.
>    John

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