On Tue, 21 Mar 2000, Jan Brosius wrote:

> > Jonathan King <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > (Well, the person touting lout seemed to ignore the HTML
> > requirement...)
> I invite you to look at he following website
> http://www.ptc.spbu.ru/~uwe/lout/lout.html

But, of course, I had.  Whenever I look at some piece of software new to
me, and have questions about it, I look at the FAQ.  In this case, I saw a
FAQ referenced there, read it, and saw, in the answer to question 3.1:

   3. Lout Packages

   3.1 Can I produce HTML from my Lout documents? 

   The short answer is no, not easily. The problem is that Lout is 
   quite different from HTML. Lout is a powerful language which
   allows you to place text or graphics at a specific point on the 
   page, and the ease with which this is possible is one of its nicest
   features. HTML is --purposefully-- very poor in this respect. 

OK, so the FAQ may be out of date, but I don't see that as my problem.  
I'd suggest that *this* paragraph is a fairly straightforward answer to
the question that I could best paraphrase as "no".  Which isn't to say
that lout has no nice points, but it strikes me as a better backend (along
side, e.g., HTML) for processing than an input for a literate programming


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