Dear Marcin,
I think we have reached now a point in the discussion that will only result
in yes and no.

1. Even as I still think that the forall in runST is misplaced I still stand
open for everyone that could
put forall s. (ST s a)  in an acceptable logical phrase. forall and exist
work like that PERIOD. And if you want an excellent mathematical society
from which I borrowed this formal logic (still the best I ever saw) then I
only have to name the French mathematical society NICOLAS BOURBAKI. I guess
none of the readers on the Haskell -list has ever read their "Theory of
sets". The foundation upon which they wanted to build the whole of math..
Their books are the best books on mathematics that I have ever seen ; the
formulation is always precise . Ok enough  "laudatio" (latin).
The sad thing is : they never reached their goal.

2. I still try to be open for any new insights (I am myself involved in a
conservative extension of their logic :
a work that I shall restart as soon as possible) but then you will have to
do a minimum of effort to make some things clear and not answer most of the
time in semi-programmese - mathese .

3. Promise me to reply from which doubly quantified formula your formula
comes from.

> Thu, 11 May 2000 13:48:56 +0200, Jan Brosius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the
> > > isomorphism.
> >
> > Sorry, never heard of in logic. But perhaps you can explain.
> Others explained it better that I could.

NO, they did not explain : at the very best they gave a site to look at .
Which I shall do if my phone bill allows it.
I did expect these explanations from you, otherwise withdraw your claim. So
in the next reply surprise me with these explanations (copy and paste ).

> > > > newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) .  a -> ST s STRef s a]
> > > > where  Forall s ni Free(a)  means " forall s not being a free
> > > > (occurring in ) of a "
> > >
> > > Wrong. You disallowed a perfectly legal usage:
> >
> > NO, NO it seems legal to you and perhaps to others but in the
> > detailed explanation it was shown that the version I propose gives
> > the necessary information for the reader that the type of newSTRef v
> > shall never be of the form  ST s (STRef s T(s))
> Wrong: it can have this form.

OK this is something to start from. I rehearse the definitions and the
little program I found in the paper.

  newSTRef :: a -> ST s (STRef s a)

  readSTRef :: STRef s a -> ST s a


f :: STRef s a -> STRef s a
f v = runST( newSTRef v >= \w -> readSTRef w)

Let's start

v has type   STRef s a

newSTRef v has type   ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))    (THIS is of the form ST
s (STRef s T(s))

w has type STRef s (STRef s a)

readSTRef w   has type  ST s (STRef s a)

runST  gets as argument  ST s (STRef s a)   and the typechecker or whatever
thing complains.

AM I right or not.?

Since I know that this program works (found in the paper) you are going to
use the following trick:

newSTRef :: forall s,a . a -> ST s (STRef s a)

Ok, a "needs" to be instantiated , I prefer substituted

(STRef s a | a) forall s. [ a -> ST s (STRef s a)]

    == forall s1 . [ STRef s a -> ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a))

Ok in logic one has the following rule for forall :

         forall s1 . [STRef s a -> ST s1 (STRef s1 (STRef s a)) => forall s.
[STRef s a -> ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))]

Now where in the Haskell documentation is written down NOT to use

forall s. [ STRef s a -> ST s (STRef s (STRef s a))]

and thus not to use

STRef s (STRef s a)  as type for w.

So, at this point I guess a little daemon informs the typechecker that the
type for w is in reality

STRef s1 (STRef s a) and this little daemon performed a check to see if s1
does not occur in STRef s a
and further informs the typechecker that s1 from now on is never to be
allowed to become s.

Next  readSTRef w  gets type ST s1 (STRef s a)

and the argument of runST can now work and will deliver something with type
STRef s a

look closely at

newSTRef :: a -> ST s (STRef s a)  and at

runST :: forall s .(ST s a) -> a

as seen above : newSTRef is NOT allowed to DELIVER something of the type  ST
s (STRef s T(s))

also runST is NOT allowed to ACCEPT anything with type  ST s T(s)

Do you see the similarity

> I have posted a legal and correct program which uses newSTRef with
> such type.

Well , if that's true  there is a problem ( I think)

> If you claim that it should not be used with that type, please show
> a program which is legal without the restriction of type of newSTRef
> and whose semantics are incorrect (e.g. allows a value to depend on
> the order of reduction, or allows using IO in pure expressions).

I thought this program is above , see f v

(believe it or not I still have not typed some little code in Hugs in my
Windows NT OS ; I guess I am lazy)

> > I know very well that the type newSTRef :: a -> ST s (STRef s a )
> > shall work , because the typechecker in some way does the job.
> > But the reason why is not explained to the programmer.
> There is nothing to explain. newSTRef can be used for any choice of
> "s" and "a", exactly as the type says.

In that case see above : f v ,  I thought would work ( found in paper)

> > > What would be the definition of `b?
> >
> > Sorry, I bet you can't give the definition of  "forall"  and of
> > "exists" in a pure formal way.
> It needs not to be formal. And assume that we both know what forall

I hope I do.

> means, and how types are constructed, and what type variables mean
> (even if the assumption is wrong)

You mean I don't know the definition of  forall?
Thanks anyway.

> Your example gave the same meaning to `b and forall.

NOT true : forall works on a proposition and delivers another proposition .
And this should REMAIN so.

`b  on the contrary works on a type and delivers a new type.

Quite different things , I would say.

>I don't see
> any gain in changing the symbol from forall to `b, without changing
> anything else.

Only a few lines added to the documentation . Nothing for the typechecker
nor for GHC changes. But the language
changes a micro-little. Is it worth that change : I say YES.

> > you don't seem to see the difference between
> >
> >     forall s . (ST s T(s))
> > and
> >   (T(s) | a ) [ forall s. ( ST s a ) ]  ==  forall s1 . ( ST s1 T(s) )
> I do see it.
> > Now   forall s1. ( ST s1 T(s))  IMPLIES   forall s . ( ST s T(s) )
> It does not. And I have already told why, a few e-mails ago.

IT DOES  : that is a well known rule of forall  (forall x,y . alpha(x.y) =>
forall x. alpha(x,x) )
I cannot change this rule for you nor for the president of the U.S.A .
Should I feel sorry?

> I can explain it again.

Fine , I know the outcome.

> For the first term to have any meaning, "s" must have a meaning,
> because it is a free variable. So for a counter-example assume that
> we sit in real numbers and
>     ST a b  means  a^2 > b
>     T(a)    means  a+1
>     s       means  -2
> The first term means forall s1. s1^2 > -1, which is true.

(You shall see below that I did my best to get the original formula back)

Either I do not understand you now about which formula you are talking ,
either you have committed GROSS errors.
Let's see:

forall a,b . a^2  > b   is false  since 1^2 /> 3 . anyway this remains TRUE

forall a,b . a^2 > b     IMPLIES  forall a . a^2 > a

and forall Real(a) . a^2 > a is not true for a = 0 but amazingly forall a >
1 . a^2 > a  is true

this should however not surprise us (EX FALSO QUODLIBET  (latin) : a false
assertion implies anything ).

Let us polish this a bit

forall a, b > 1 . a^2 > b  implies forall a > 1 . a^2 > a
forall a,b > 1. a^2 > b  is FALSE but amazingly forall a > 1. a^2 > a is
However you can not DERIVE that forall a > 1 . a^2 > a is TRUE  using the
next rule

P => Q  (true)
P (true)
Q (true)

I forgot the latin name for this ancient rule.

> The second term means forall s. s^2 > s+1, which is false.

>From which formula do you come , let's try ... you come from a formula with
2 forall's but which one ???

Well I am not clairvoyant  : you will tell me in your reply isn't it?

> So the first does not imply the second.

Dear Marcin , for once and for all  :  forall x,y . alpha(x,y)  IMPLIES
forall x . alpha( x ,x)

> > So you do understand a bit , the meaning of  `b
> Your examples imply that `b means the same as forall. But it does
> not explain why you advocate replacing forall with `b if it means
> the same thing.

It does not mean the same thing , I rehearse:`b applied to a parameterized
type delivers a new type

forall applied to a formula yields a new formula.

Technically : forall x . x /= y   ==  `t ( `sq /= y)  (<-- formula)
and similarly `b s. ST s a  == `b (ST `sq a )  (<--- type)

More forall obeys certain rules making many victims ;  `b s. (ST s a)  means
the DOMAIN of runST is not
all ST s a  for any s and a , NO the DOMAIN of runST is ST s a without
anything of the form ST s T(s) :
in some sense `b restricts the too great domain ST s a  to a domain obtained
from ST s a by  substracting any
"diagonal element" ST s T(s)

> > > > runST:: forall a. [forall Variable ( s ) ni Free ( a ) . ST s a ->
a ]
> > > >
> > > > where Variable (s) means " s is a type variable".
> > >
> > > What does it mean "s is a type variable"?
> >
> > this means that all things of the form Variable ( Sblurb )  are false ,
> > that is Variable ( World ) is false since World is not a variable.
> When you use runST, you don't always know if the type given for "s"
> will be instantiated to a type variable or not. Being a type variable
> is not a property of a type.

I can only say here : ???????????????

> > > runST':: forall s. ST s Int -> Int
> > > runST' x = runST x
> > >
> > > Should it compile with your type of runST?

Ok you want an answer.

MY type is :  forall a . [ forall Variable(s) ni Free(a). ST s a -> a]


(Int | a) [ forall Variable(s) ni Free (a) . ST s a -> a]  ==

             forall Variable(s) ni Free(Int) . (ST s Int -> Int)

Variable(s) is true , and s ni Free(Int) is true also since Int does not
contain s , so the conditions for the

function runST are fullfilled . So ("my") runST will work.

> >
> > I shall not answer your question , since the changes I propose don't
> > introduce a NEW type system they are only a BETTER explanation of
> > these forall's.
> They don't explain it if you cannot answer a simple question.

I didn't say that I couldn't , I did say that I didn't like to do it .

> > E.g. do you agree that   s   and   a  represent general type variables?
> It depends on what does it mean "general" and how they are used.

by general a, I mean a type variable that can be substituted by any other
So, in this sense s is not general since one declares   State s  , i.e. s is
a type variable of type State .
(I hope )

> > > If yes, I cannot see why do you say that here runST is instantiated
> > > with a type that is not a type variable. What does it mean "s is
> > > a type variable"?
> >
> > It means "World is a type variable " is false  (substitution of
> > s by World here.)  It also means " sWorld is a type variable "
> > is true. (substitution of s by sWorld here)

> From this I assume that the above example should compile, because
> you instantiate "s" from the type of runST with "s" from the local
> environment of runST', and you don't know anything more about this "s"
> here. If so, your type of runST is wrong, because it allows performing
> I/O in a pure expression (because nothing prevents me from using runST'
> instantiated with RealWorld).

I cannot follow here, didn't you define runST' x = runST x ?

If  runST x works then this means (see my definition of runST ) that the
type of  x is allowable by runST.
Now if  type of x is ST World Int  then my runST and the official runST will
not work, say runST x = error and
so runST' x = error

I don't see the rest of your partially defined runST' ?

> --
>  __("<    Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  \__/              GCS/M d- s+:-- a23 C+++$ UL++>++++$ P+++ L++>++++$ E-
>   ^^                  W++ N+++ o? K? w(---) O? M- V? PS-- PE++ Y? PGP+ t
> QRCZAK                  5? X- R tv-- b+>++ DI D- G+ e>++++ h! r--%>++ y-

very friendly
Jan Brosius

PS:  for the non existing Haskell committee : is it now clear that there is
much confusion?

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