Wed, 10 May 2000 16:18:06 +0200, Jan Brosius <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> pisze:

> 2. Next let me point out once and for all that
> logical quantifiers are used only in logical formula's .

Types can be treated as logical formulas, according to the Curry-Howard
isomorphism. I see no reason to change the notation of forall in types,
which coresponds to forall in formulas.

> b.  bad use :
>   newSTRef:: forall s.a . a -> ST s STRef s a

You meant ST s (STRef s a).

> This type signature MUST be replaced by
> newSTRef:: forall a. [forall s ni Free ( a ) .  a -> ST s STRef s a]
> where  Forall s ni Free(a)  means " forall s not being a free variable
> (occurring in ) of a "

Wrong. You disallowed a perfectly legal usage:
    refRef :: ST s Int
    refRef = do
        v1 <- newSTRef 0
        v2 <- newSTRef v1 -- Here!
        v1' <- readSTRef v2
        readSTRef v1'
and you did not disallow any illegal usage that current rules allow
(in fact I believe there is not any). Of course you did not allow more,
because this type is a subset of what we have now.

> c. illigitimate use :
> runST:: forall a. ( forall s. ST s a ) -> a

Let's see why do you claim that, because I see nothing wrong here.

> 3. The why
> b. This is because in reality the function newSTRef is meant to be
> used only in cases where s is not a free variable of a.

False: see above.

> c.  forall s. ST s a   is illigitimate since you can not form a
> logical phrase with it

You can: for all s, ST(s,a) holds.

> (It is not supposed to be known that ST s a is in reality implemented
> as a function.).

Why is this a problem?

> There are 2 ways to circumvent this problem.

There is no problem!

And you create additional language, which would have to be understood,
given a precise meaning, implemented, documented etc. It is not needed.
BTW, would it change the semantics, or only the language we talk about

> c1. Use a new free variable binder ,e.g. `b ,for types
> to mean the following:
>   `b s. ST s a
> is the type of  ALL ST s a  with the EXCEPTION
> of all types of the form  ST s T(s)

What would be the definition of `b?

Here `b is exactly the same as forall. "a" could have the form T(s)
anyway, because "s" is bound here, and "a" is bound outside. That's
why I am asking for a definition: the example did not explain it.

> c2. Use the following type signature for runST
> runST:: forall a. [forall s ni Free( a ) . ST s a -> a]

This is wrong, because allows running IO, as you fix below:

> If we are supposed to know that IO a = ST World a
> then use the signature
> runST:: forall a. [forall Variable ( s ) ni Free ( a ) . ST s a -> a ]
> where Variable (s) means " s is a type variable".

What does it mean "s is a type variable"?


runST':: forall s. ST s Int -> Int
runST' x = runST x

Should it compile with your type of runST?

If yes, I cannot see why do you say that here runST is instantiated
with a type that is not a type variable. What does it mean "s is
a type variable"?

If no, it can be used to run an IO computation by evaluation of
a pure expression, so it is a wrong type for runST.

> 4. If it were possible to interrogate the typechecker in
> the following way :
>   typeOf (x) = typeOf (y)
> then it would be possible to give a direct definition of runST.

I don't understand what you mean here.

> 5. Using `b as defined above

You did not define `b  :-)

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> Content-Type: text/html;
>       charset="iso-8859-1"
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Please don't post in HTML.

Sorry that I did not answer your last e-mail. I will not answer it,
because I would not say much more than here. I would say: please
explain precise meaning of your symbols.

 __("<    Marcin Kowalczyk * [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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