On Mon, 17 Oct 2005, Juerd wrote:

> I have this feeling -again- that you haven't seriously given recent
> Linux distributions a serious try and chance.

Being a heavy user of both OS X and Linux (Debian), I can definitely say
that neither are without their hates.  I wouldn't want to run an OS X server
doing anything complicated, because of how difficult it is to maintain all
of the packages, but I wouldn't use Linux for anything other than serving if
1) I didn't basically have to for the dev work I do, and 2) it didn't make
having 30 terminal windows open so much easier than on OS X.

Either way, though, I can definitely say that my single Linux box takes
something like 10x the amount of effort to maintain than both my and my
wife's laptops, and it certainly gets less usage overall.

> I like making people laugh. Just to make your day: try Debian's dpkg/apt
> system! You'll LOVE it!

While I think apt is the best or second best in most ways (emerge has some
key advantages, especially in user feedback), the day that I 'love' a
package manager is the about 3 years after I officially stopped maintaining
my computers.  Still plenty of hate there.

        Q: How many surrealists does it take to screw in a lightbulb?
        A: Two.  One to hold the giraffe and the other to fill the
bathtub with brightly colored machine tools.
Luke Kanies | http://reductivelabs.com | http://config-mgmt.blogspot.com

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