Rhesa Rozendaal <rh...@xs4all.nl> wrote:
For the record, I'm too lazy¹ to type properly curled quotes, even
though I am a big fan of them in printed material. All you ascii
freaks should try reading War and Peace some time - typeset entirely
in Courier! Bah.

¹even though it's as simple as ralt+v and ralt+b.

All this talk by mac users how theirs is the only OS where i18n just
works and sometimes you risk believing them.

I'm running Gnome (FC4) which has displayed and handled all these
characters in this thread faultlessly. And now I find how to type them
too. I've been round the keyboard, lots of funky things out there. All
the programs work, from email through to the editor. Even good old
xterm works, though it can't display some of the more esoteric
characters due to the fixed font not having them.

I've most certainly never done anything to this setup to make any of
this lot function, besides setting en_GB as my locale. As far as I can
make out the whole i18n thing on Gnome just works out of the box.

Makes sense really, because Gnome's top priorities have always included
accessibiliy, i18n, and just working.

I don't get to read the chinese spam, but I'm pretty sure that's just
cause I don't have the right fonts installed. Come to think of it, I
don't think I want them either.



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