Ťḩĕ įŝȏ-10646 ʂȇť ċǒṿȇɾṧ ëṋȯṷḡḧ ųƫḟ-8 ḟȭȓ ṃŷ ɖǟḯḻẏ ƞęèƌş
ȃƞď ƒŏȑ ẍţḛɽḿ'ṧ ẚñɗ õƫħěṝ "ṇȱɾḿảɫ" âƥṕľîḉảʈĭőṉş, ẗḥë ƒȫňṫ
ṩǖȋţş ëṋöǚǥħ țȱ ǥìṿḛ čḷęąŕ áɲḑ ḋîşţȉĉƭ čḣǟɾȁčṯëṙṩ ţħẚṯ ảřé ŝȋẓâɓŀḝ
Ḟṓɼ đőčùḿêṉʈş ţɦầț ɳḕëḑ Ṷṅɨćōḑȇ, Ľǔčȋḑã Şǟṉŝ Üɳȋĉȯḍḛ
ǻɳɗ Ḽṻĉḯƌẚ Ćơṅṡṑĺė ȁṙê ɠṏöḍ ĕƞȯȕĝḧ ƒôŕ ɱė.
Christ, man, it's Monday morning six AM, and I haven't even made a pot
of coffee yet; I can't afford to waste the store-bought stuff I do
have laughing onto the keyboard. Don't do this to me.
--s., who has been unusually silent on the software-hating front
lately but only because she's been fixing some truly stunningly stupid
Outlook client problems and doesn't want to belabor the obvious (and
get the obligatory response from A. Pagaltzis that it's too easy to
hate. Which it may be, but trust me when I say you'd still find it in
your heart if you had to. Oh, two-gig "folder" file size limitations
resulting in vague "Access denied" errors, how I *heart* you!).