On 2006-10-27 at 20:36 +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> Look, a multiplication sign!
>     ×                 ← Over there!
> I dunno. It remains more work to type, even if your editor isn't
> dumber than technology from the stone age of personal computing,
> but I spend a lot more time poring over code (and if it's just
> code that I wrote 5 minutes ago) then I spend typing it. As long
> as there's some restraint and the matter isn't taken to APL-esque
> absurdity, the argument for better operator characters isn't so
> plainly stupid. It would be nice if someday using a computer
> didn't mean suffering bad typography.

You bastard.

I just spent 20 minutes trying to debug some Perl I'd just written which
wasn't working, only to discover that for the first time ever I'd tried
using an 'x' as a multiplication operator for a computer.  Three times.
My mind was contaminated with recollections of Real Math.


ObHate: broken software which allows you to use something other than an
FQDN for the right-hand-side of a Message-Id.  "klangraum"?

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