On Wed, Apr 18, 2007 at 04:40:17PM +0300, Yossi Kreinin wrote:
> Sean O'Rourke wrote:
> >
> >Why is it that we have "nice" for our mostly-idle CPUs, but no
> >way to say "sorry, Dashboard, you only get 30 megs -- deal with
> >it"?  It's only been, what, a decade since CPU speed has been all
> >but meaningless?  I'm normally a big fan of the best technology
> >of the 70s and 80s, but in this case...
> >
> An even simpler feature I miss is a way to say "please always leave me 5% 
> of the CPU and 5% of RAM so that when a process decides it needs all the 
> system resources and then some I can kill it without killing everything 
> else".

Don't forget the magic which allows the OS to know that certain programs
are allowed to use that reserved 5% of RAM and CPU, otherwise you'll
just have reduced your RAM and CPU rather than reserved it.

A combination of "Don't allow any process to use more than 75% or RAM
and don't page in from swap for any process at a rate greater than 50%
of available IO" would be a pretty good combination I reckon.  Obviously
it would need to be configurable, but at least it would be a start.

John Tobin
"The day I come in front of the Gartner audience and say we have a
better Unix than Linux, that'll be a good day."
-- Steve Ballmer, Microsoft CEO, during his keynote Q&A session at the
   Gartner Symposium in Orlando, Florida, 2005/10/19

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