So I'm installing RT because we need some sort of ticketing system at work. 
I build a box, install everything I can from packages and check to see what
has to get installed by hand. Only 4 perl modules missing, not too shabby.

So I run "make fixdeps" which supposedly uses CPAN to install what's 
missing. Mistake number 1.

  Install module Date::Format
  You didn't configure CPAN shell yet.
  Please run `/usr/bin/perl -MCPAN -e shell` tool and configure it.
  *** Error code 1

I guess including a set of sensible defaults for CPAN is out of the 

Ok, so I run that, it asks if I'm ready for manual configuration. Knowing
I'll just end up hitting enter a bunch I decide to let it pick defaults
which should be sensible. Mistake number 2.

  CPAN: Storable loaded ok
  CPAN: LWP::UserAgent loaded ok
  Fetching with LWP:
  LWP failed with code[400] message[FTP return code 150]
  Fetching with Net::FTP:
  Couldn't fetch 01mailrc.txt.gz from

No matter what it does CPAN can't seem to fetch that URL. I can fetch that
URL with curl. I can fetch it with FTP. I can fetch it with lynx. Why can't 
perl fetch it? Even with lynx -dump?

So, maybe I shouldn't have gone with the defaults. I find a friend who
actually uses the collection of bugs known as perl and ask him how I
redo the cpan config. 

A bunch of enter pressing later followed by picking a couple sites and I've 
configured it.

Is it really so hard to include a sane set of defaults with CPAN? Why must
I go through these acrobatics? In 2007 do we really need to make each and
every person who uses perl set paths to programs that are standard and
located in the path? Is it part of some conspiracy to wear out my enter
key? How many questions can a(n) (in)sane person put in one paragraph?

-Zach (Who was mostly sane before starting on this nonsense today)

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