On Thu, Jun 14, 2007 at 11:53:39AM +0200, A. Pagaltzis wrote:
> A surprising number of applicants can't actually program, so you
> want to weed them out early by asking for direct proof that they
> can do so. However, you also want to avoid the testing situation
> bias, so I wouldn't to sit them down with a moronic coding test
> (like that "FizzBuzz" silliness) during the interview, either.

I find that people who speak poorly of FizzBuzz style tests don't
understand the problem they solve, or think they somehow test
for competency.

FizzBuzz doesn't tell you how good a programmer is. It doesn't tell
you what their work ethic is like. It doesn't tell you how well they
work with others. It simply tells you that they can solve a tiny 
programming problem, which an amazingly large number of "programmers"
simply can't do.

It's not a general tool, it's only used to weed out those people
who come from untrustworthy sources, like a recruiter, or craigslist.
If a candidate is coming to me through one of those sources it tells
me that they don't have the ability to get a job through the normal
means (old coworkers, college buddies, etc) and therefore deserve
more scrutiny. FizzBuzz is a cheap and easy way to filter those
candidates at phone interview time.


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