* Abigail <abig...@abigail.be> [2007-06-13 17:00]: > When I hire (granted, it has been a while that I interviewed > people, and I don't miss it), I don't really care what people > do at home. In fact, I don't really care about hiring people > that think they qualify for a Unix sysadmin job because they > run a Linux box at home.
But note that hiring any sort of administrator is very different >from hiring a programmer. The skillsets are largely disjoint and partially antithetical. Many programmers think they'd be at least decent sysadmins (I thought so, too), and sysadmins vice versa; the truth is that most of them blow chunks at the respective other role. Regards, -- Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>