It was thus said that the Great Peter da Silva once stated:
> On the other hand, for me, 1.5.4 versus 1.5.2 does tell me something  
> useful.
> If a script worked on 1.5.2, it will work on 1.5.4 and it's supposed  
> to work on 1.6, and unless you hit a bug fixed in 1.5.2 it'll work on  
> 1.5.1 (that is, the API hasn't changed), but you bloody well better  
> check the man page before upgrading to 2.1.0 or using it on a system  
> that only has 1.4.8 installed.

  Tell that to the PHP maintainers.

  -spc (I treat every version of PHP as a different language.  Really, it
        keeps me sane that way ... )

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