On Tue, 26 Aug 2008, David Champion wrote:

> I feel dumber just for reading this thread

Me too, surprisingly enough :-)

> Why the unprovoked trolling, Chris?

Sorry, I thought that was the whole point of this list, no?

> I get that you hate mutt. 

Actually, that's untrue, and I suppose I overstated my case. 

To hate Mutt, I'd have to actually use it first. 

But I don't. I tried it for about 10 minutes one day, because people 
kept yammering on about how great it was. I didn't see anything wrong 
with it, but I saw no compelling reason to switch to it, either. 

I just don't see the relative differences between most mail clients as 
being particularly interesting, nor problematic, with the notable 
exception of Outlook, which I fear, and Notes, which I pity. Aside from 
those two... meh, whatever, they all seem to basically work fine for me.

Blah blah blah, Aaron Grier was pithier than me anyway, and I think 
getting at roughly the same point. So I'll stop now. 

> Bother.  This is what I get for "say, I'm feeling chipper.  Let's see 
> what's happening over in hates-software!"

Now there's solid reasoning for ya :-)

Chris Devers

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