[ Assuming you meant to send this to the list and now find some
combination of your MUA and the list software more hateful than you
did previously. ]

Peter Corlett <ab...@cabal.org.uk> writes:

> On 4 Mar 2009, at 08:35, Matthew King wrote:
>> Joshua Juran <jju...@gmail.com> writes:
> [...]
>>> PHP.
>> Is that the "Mornington Crescent" of hates-software?
> I think it's more of an invite to play the game. While PHP is quite,
> quite hateful, the language itself has got nothing on some of the  stuff
> *written* in PHP.

Bringing this back online with software hate (I won't bring in stupid
company process hate that makes this necessary) I have been forced this
morning to use dotproject[1]. So I broke into the database and
temporarily changed the admin password so that I could log in and create
my own user (naturally the password is not saved in the password
database but as I said this is not company process hate).

After I'd created the user, I switched to another browser (can't confuse
them cookie-based login systems) and after handing over my shiny new
username and password was told that I must enable cookies.

Check. Cookies are already enabled.

Compare encoded password in database to password generated manually from
what I know I'm typing in? Correct.

Find apache error log. It says "Permission check failed". My that's
helpful. It can't mean filesystem permission because the application has
been working (for some definition of working) unmolested for a year or
so and I'm fucked if I'm looking through PHP code to work out what it's
doing, it was horrific enough working out how the passwords are
stored[2], so to google we go.

First result[3], the problem was fixed by upgrading but as that was in
2005 I'm probably running at least whatever version he upgraded to. Plus
upgrading further isn't an option as per [1].

Ah this looks relevant - '"Login failed" for all but default admin
user'. Yes that's it. 'You not only have to select a "User Type" during
account creation, but also add the user role after the fact.'

Come again?

When creating a user, I have to specify what kind of user it is and then
afterwards I need to specify what kind of user it is again?

So I pulled up the list of users and ... I'm not there. I'm in 'Inactive
Users'. Well I've never logged in (successfully) so I suppose that makes
some twisted sort of sense. Oh and there's the Add Role option tucked
away in the corner and looking for all the world like it's completely
optional, not least because the first Role in the drop-down list is
Administrator and I'm already an Administrator, right?

Right. It says so right there in the account stats table above this
optionally essential option.

So why does my account which is already of type Administrator need to
have the Administrator role added to it?

PHP developers ... no that's a bit much.

Coders? No no that's not it.

Authors? Writers? Users?

Ah there it is! Lusers.

PHP lusers, we salute you. Such ineptitude cannot be anything but an art.


[1] As an aside, I was tasked with moving dp from one server to another
a while ago. I thought I'd upgrade at the same time but the new version
made thousands of SQL queries opening the post-login page (this is not
an exaggeration. Actually it could have been in the 10s of thousands. I
can't remember.) and took some 10 seconds to open. On a brand new server
doing nothing else in a small company. I stuck with the present version
which makes 'only' a few hundred SQL queries for the same page.

[2] MD5($plain_string) - yay PHP namespaces!

[3] I despise web forums.

I must take issue with the term "a mere child", for it has been my
invariable experience that the company of a mere child is infinitely
preferable to that of a mere adult.
                                           --  Fran Lebowitz

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