On Wed, Jul 08, 2009 at 05:39:56PM +1200, Joe Mahoney wrote:
> OK then.
> If I click on a window I want it to raise up. If I simply put my mouse
> over a window I want it do do nothing at all. Any other behaviour is
> mindbogglingly annoying and most certainly implemented out of spite.
> Audio-cock technology is too good for people who encourage focus
> follows mouse.

It causes me no mental pain at all to have two overlapping windows on
the screen, the foremost one containing something visually complex and
fiddly, the other being a terminal window that I don't need to see it's
entirety for the moment, but positioned so that the lowest portion of it
is visible.  The ability to move the mouse over the terminal window and
type commands into it without losing full view of the foremost window is
*for me* a productivity gain.

There are many window managers that will give us both the behaviour we
want; you don't have to be annoyed by that at all.  If you're annoyed
simply because my preferences are also catered for, that makes you the


A problem shared brings the consolation that someone else is now
feeling as miserable as you.

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