On Oct 15, 2009, at 4:32 AM, Aristotle Pagaltzis wrote:

* James Laver <j...@jameslaver.com> [2009-10-11 19:25]:
There's an appalling lack of information out there on how to
multinationally handle addresses and postcodes.

Very simple: freeform multiline text entry. Period. Anything else
is going to be broken for someone somewhere.

This would be an improvement even for typical USA addresses. For one thing, typing your address into a single field, which you can do entirely without thinking, is faster than a multi-field arrangement where you have to think about whether you have to hit Tab twice after the address to skip a second address field, whether city/state/zip is one field or three, and in the latter case whether I can just type two letters for my state or actually have to reach for the mouse, click a popup menu, go back to the keyboard, and *then* type the same two letters.

For another, you could have your address on the clipboard, in which case entering it takes just a single keystroke.

(Then there are the forms where you have to enter your country. Some of them are nice and put the Unites States first (proper Huffman coding for a site that's in English) or abbreviate it as USA so typing "US" will select it. Then there are those who do neither, so United States gets stuck behind United Kingdom, which is itself after United Arab Emirates, and you have to arrow your way down.)

(And then there are forms soliciting phone numbers split over three or more fields, which when scripting is on helpfully advance to the next field after you've filled one (exactly the way they *don't* when scripting is off) so when you hit Tab out of habit you've now skipped the second field. If you're going to try to be smart, at least have the decency not to be stupid about it and *eat the subsequent Tab event* if present.)

These days, my Web form hate has been blunted smacking up against forms that do no client-side processing to speak of but insist that you enable scripting so you can click their glorified submit button -- even if you're not actually posting but just submitting search terms. Wankers.


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