* David Cantrell <da...@cantrell.org.uk> [2010-04-09 14:15]:
> Naturally, there is no way that I can see of turning off this
> wonderful feature.

I fail to understand why people bake this sort of feature (some
way to penalize "inactive" feeds) into aggregation software.

Isn't *the whole point* of feeds that I can continue to listen
for updates on infrequently updated things, without spending all
my time checking bookmarks to infrequently changing web pages?

I am subscribed to a lot of weblogs that go silent for very long
periods between updates: some of them update literally once every
year and a half. These updates tend to be much more important to
me than the fire-and-forget firehose of chaff that descends upon
me from so many other feeds.

But somehow the writers of aggregation software tend to have the
idea that the former way of using feeds is somehow wrong. I just
don't get it.

(I've ranted about this from the writer's perspective as well:
http://plasmasturm.org/log/339/ )

Aristotle Pagaltzis // <http://plasmasturm.org/>

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