On 2010-10-21 15:52, Gerry Lawrence wrote:

On Thu, Oct 21, 2010 at 12:46 PM, Michael Leuchtenburg <mich...@slashhome.org <mailto:mich...@slashhome.org>> wrote:

    Someone on a mailing list I'm on recently commented, on having
    created a new thread with a new subject line rather than replying
    to the thread and just changing the subject line (i.e., having a
    correct References header):
    {Sorry about the independent thread - gmail doesn't have a way to
    change subject lines}

    My, what a sorry excuse for an email client GMail is.

    - Lucky

Um, what? gmail may be hateful but there is a button that says "edit subject"....
Why yes, there is! Isn't it funny, then, that the message doesn't show up in the same thread as my original message? That's because it doesn't have a References header at all when you use that button. Thus why Nik Clayton's message also shows up as a new thread.

Isn't it lovely? I know I love it when *my* mail client lies to me.

- Lucky

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