Yes, I’m using CIFTI data. This is the interpreted version. 


> On Sep 11, 2017, at 5:59 PM, Glasser, Matthew <> wrote:
> Are you using CIFTI data?  Is this the compiled version of matlab or the
> interpreted version?
> Peace,
> Matt.
> On 9/11/17, 4:19 PM, " 
> <> on behalf of
> Sang-Young Kim" < 
> <> on behalf of
> <>> wrote:
>> Dear HCP experts:
>> I¹m struggling with FIX for many days. The problem is that FIX does not
>> generate cleaned data.
>> So I found error message in .fix.log file as shown below.
>> ****************************************************************
>> TR =
>>   1
>> Elapsed time is 2.053048 seconds.
>> {?Error using file_array/permute (line 10)
>> file_array objects can not be permuted.
>> Error in read_gifti_file>gifti_Data (line 191)
>>      d = permute(reshape(d,fliplr(s.Dim)),length(s.Dim):-1:1);
>> Error in read_gifti_file>gifti_DataArray (line 122)
>>          s(1).data         = gifti_Data(t,c(i),s(1).attributes);
>> Error in read_gifti_file (line 45)
>>{end+1} = gifti_DataArray(t,uid(i),filename);
>> Error in gifti (line 74)
>>              this = read_gifti_file(varargin{1},giftistruct);
>> Error in ciftiopen (line 16)
>> cifti = gifti([tmpname '.gii']);
>> Error in fix_3_clean (line 48)
>> BO=ciftiopen('Atlas.dtseries.nii',WBC);
>> }? 
>> **********************************************************************
>> Actually I saw many posts with the same error. But no clear solution is
>> provided. I believe I set the path correctly and use last version of
>> GIFTI toolbox. And I have tested "ciftiopen" function directly on the
>> matlab. It worked in matlab.
>> But I have no idea why above error came up while running FIX.
>> Any insights would be greatly appreciated.
>> Thanks. 
>> Sang-Young Kim, Ph.D.
>> Postdoctoral Fellow
>> Department of Radiology, University of Pittsburgh
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