Thanks for your answer. I just want to use the “hcp_fix" script for clean up of 
resting state data after HCP pipelines. I only need to know if I just need to 
run the “hcp_fix" on data already preprocessed with HCP pipelines, after which 
I get my clean dtseries.nii ready for FC analyses.

Much appreciation.

> On Oct 29, 2017, at 11:41 AM, Glasser, Matthew <> wrote:
> I think there is a readme with instructions on set up.  If you have specific 
> questions about those, ICA+FIX questions might be best asked on the FSL list, 
> as the FSL programmers don’t watch this list.  Here we can answer questions 
> about CIFTI or approaching clean up of resting state data.
> Peace,
> Matt.
> From: < 
> <>> on behalf of Marta Moreno 
> < <>>
> Date: Sunday, October 29, 2017 at 9:11 AM
> To: HCP Users < 
> <>>
> Subject: [HCP-Users] ICA+FIX cleanup scripts
> Dear experts,
> I would like to use  ICA+FIX cleanup after HCP minimal preprocessing 
> pipelines on high quality resting-state data acquired with a GE scanner. HCP 
> minimal preprocessing is working fine and installed locally. I have 
> downloaded now the tar file with ICA+FIX cleanup scripts. Could you please 
> give me some guidelines on what are the steps to follow to have them running? 
> I am using a MacPro.
> Much appreciation for your help.
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