As I mentioned in the original message, take a look at HDFS-9114, which is 
basically making HDFS-8880 operable.

Generating a sink that is not a sink (which is what HDFS-8880 basically does), 
isn’t particularly practical.  8880 would be much more appealing if it was a 
sink. If FileSink isn’t fixable, then let's make a Log4jSink which would 
basically be FileSink with those issues fixed.  

If not all NN metrics are getting logged, then that’s probably a bug in *all* 
of the metrics systems, no?  Having them show up only in this one off sounds 
absolutely terrible.

On Oct 6, 2015, at 1:11 PM, Arpit Agarwal <> wrote:

> There is no property called hadoop.metrics.log.file. Where do you see it? And 
> there is no property that would show up in the command-line of every process. 
> namenode.metrics.logger would show up in the NN command-line and even that is 
> off by default.
> FileSink looks limited for practical use.
> - No support for rolling output files.
> - The format is hard-coded and not practical to grep. Changing it is 
> incompatible.
> - Won't write to new output files unless I create the files first with 
> 'touch'.
> - Not all NN metrics are logged. These last two are likely bugs.
> On 10/6/15, 11:46 AM, "Allen Wittenauer" <> wrote:
>> Current state is the custom stuff in HDFS-8880 is mostly undocumented except 
>> for some tuning bits in hdfs-default.xml vs. the javadocs for metrics2.  
>> Neither of which is ideal.
>> There’s no doubt the documentation for all of the metrics2 sinks are… 
>> sparse.  Which is likely what led to the duplicate functionality. :( 
>> On Oct 6, 2015, at 11:29 AM, Andrew Wang <> wrote:
>>> If it's duplicate we should probably back it out, but taking a step back,
>>> is the issue that there isn't good documentation about configuring Metrics2
>>> / FileSync? I see the API docs, but a user-focused guide on how to
>>> configure Metrics2 would probably be a welcome addition.
>>> HBase has a blog at this could also be good
>>> content for a blog post.
>>> Best,
>>> Andrew
>>> On Tue, Oct 6, 2015 at 11:12 AM, Allen Wittenauer <> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Folks,
>>>>       I’ve been looking over HDFS-8880 and it’s various follow-on
>>>> JIRAs.  The intentions are good, but the implementation is
>>>> mostly/effectively a duplicate of the FileSink that’s already part of the
>>>> Hadoop metrics subsystem. (which therefore means it works with all daemons,
>>>> out of the box already).  Reading through HDFS-9114, it’s pretty obvious
>>>> now that users are going to get *very* confused as just what happens when
>>>> they set the “hadoop.metrics.log.file” property.  It’s opening a pandora’s
>>>> box of work, since that property only partially works with one sub-project,
>>>> will show up on the command line of every daemon, and isn’t documented...
>>>>       I’d like to see this series of patches reverted (they haven’t
>>>> shipped yet, so now is the time!) and effort placed into updating the
>>>> metrics2 FileSink to have whatever functionality is missing.
>>>>       Thoughts?

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