and my vote

My vote

+1 binding

I've been using the RCs for a while as my CLI entry point, and testing it
through other builds

for this RC
* Local builds of cloudstore
* fs-api-shim
* spark
* built and ran my cloud integration tests, which now include large CVS
file jobs which should show the Azure prefetch bug if it still existed.

downloaded the tar, expanded it, ran command line code with it, including
cloudstore against the stores. we need to get hadoop-azure and its
dependencies onto the path by default, to make abfs io easier.

I have the arm binaries building, and did a checknative to make sure all
was good

stevel@0da162643f99:~/hadoop/patchprocess/hadoop-3.3.5$ bin/hadoop
2023-03-17 13:00:27,107 INFO bzip2.Bzip2Factory: Successfully loaded &
initialized native-bzip2 library system-native
2023-03-17 13:00:27,112 INFO zlib.ZlibFactory: Successfully loaded &
initialized native-zlib library
2023-03-17 13:00:27,121 WARN erasurecode.ErasureCodeNative: ISA-L support
is not available in your platform... using builtin-java codec where
2023-03-17 13:00:27,156 INFO nativeio.NativeIO: The native code was built
without PMDK support.
Native library checking:
hadoop:  true
zlib:    true /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
zstd  :  true /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
bzip2:   true /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
openssl: true /lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/
ISA-L:   false libhadoop was built without ISA-L support
PMDK:    false The native code was built without PMDK support.


On Wed, 15 Mar 2023 at 19:47, Steve Loughran <> wrote:

> Apache Hadoop 3.3.5
> Mukund and I have put together a release candidate (RC3) for Hadoop 3.3.5.
> What we would like is for anyone who can to verify the tarballs, especially
> anyone who can try the arm64 binaries as we want to include them too.
> The RC is available at:
> The git tag is release-3.3.5-RC3, commit 706d88266ab
> The maven artifacts are staged at
> You can find my public key at:
> Change log
> Release notes
> This is off branch-3.3 and is the first big release since 3.3.2.
> Key changes include
> * Big update of dependencies to try and keep those reports of
>   transitive CVEs under control -both genuine and false positives.
> * HDFS RBF enhancements
> * Critical fix to ABFS input stream prefetching for correct reading.
> * Vectored IO API for all FSDataInputStream implementations, with
>   high-performance versions for file:// and s3a:// filesystems.
>   file:// through java native io
>   s3a:// parallel GET requests.
> * This release includes Arm64 binaries. Please can anyone with
>   compatible systems validate these.
> * and compared to the previous RC, all the major changes are
>   HDFS issues.
> Note, because the arm64 binaries are built separately on a different
> platform and JVM, their jar files may not match those of the x86
> release -and therefore the maven artifacts. I don't think this is
> an issue (the ASF actually releases source tarballs, the binaries are
> there for help only, though with the maven repo that's a bit blurred).
> The only way to be consistent would actually untar the x86.tar.gz,
> overwrite its binaries with the arm stuff, retar, sign and push out
> for the vote. Even automating that would be risky.
> Please try the release and vote. The vote will run for 5 days.
> -Steve

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