As Lenore says, a serious discussion of these topics can go on for weeks.  
Yossi has just suggested to me that the meeting of the Cataloging Committee (no 
matter how far into the night it goes!) will not be long enough for us to 
really sink our teeth just into the various methods of approach.  (Yossi's 
words were more along the lines of, "I've read the first page of the document 
and I have several critici... er, ques... er..."

Perhaps we could schedule an extra meeting to go into some depth with this 
subject by itself.  With the permission of Rachel Simon, my roommate, I would 
be glad to offer my/our hotel room as a venue on Monday or Tuesday night, if we 
can't find someplace more spacious.

Do any of you think this is a good idea?

>>> "Lenore Bell" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/19/2008 12:50 PM >>>
Dear Colleagues,

I highly recommend that when we discuss this topic, we use Joan's excellent 
examples document/discussion paper as a guide. 

Joan didn't mention in her messages, but LC's Hebraica cataloging staff devoted 
a number of meetings to these issues, and managed only to reach consensus on 
the format of the 670!  

Nevertheless, I look forward to further discussion in the Cat Com, and hope 
that experience we all gain during the "testing" period in the initial months 
of implementation will help us develop recommendations for policy and/or best 

>>> "Joan C Biella" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 6/19/2008 11:41 AM >>>

I wrote a document to guide the LC Hebraica Cataloging Team during the first 
weeks of the experimentation period for adding nonroman NARS.  It can now be 
found on the wiki at 

under "Authority Control" click on the "hebnrrefguide.doc" link.  This document 
shows some of our thinking about various possibilities for creating Hebrew 


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