> On Aug 3, 2018, at 5:27 AM, ASV <a...@inhio.net> wrote:
> Changing password as suggested (kadmin -l cpw ...) works

No crashes, right?  Modulo authentication of the user, UDP transport, ...
ultimately "kadmin -l cpw" and "kpasswd" should end up calling the
same change() function in much the same way.

> After starting back the daemon it worked well.

What does "it worked well" mean?

> I'm using the HDB3 which I believe is part of the package itself (if I 
> properly understood your question).

Yes, thanks.

> This is the output of the procedure on the newly re-compiled heimdal with the 
> CFLAGS="-g -ggdb3 -O0" but doesn't look much different from the previous 
> non-debugging version to me (hopefully I didn't make any mistake).

It looks like something stripped the built binaries, please make sure your
build process does not strip the binaries, and that you're running the
binaries with the debug symbols.

> A snippet of the compilation at the very end of this email.
> (gdb) bt
> #0  0x00000ae0709ed5d6 in change () from 
> /usr/local/heimdal/lib/libkadm5srv.so.3.0
> #1  0x00000ae0709ed55f in kadm5_s_chpass_principal_cond () from 
> /usr/local/heimdal/lib/libkadm5srv.so.3.0                                     
> #2  0x00000ade6d002bfb in ?? () from /usr/local/heimdal/libexec/kpasswdd
> #3  0x00000ade6d001b89 in ?? () from /usr/local/heimdal/libexec/kpasswdd
> #4  0x00000ade6d0017d9 in ?? () from /usr/local/heimdal/libexec/kpasswdd
> #5  0x00000ade6d001073 in ?? () from /usr/local/heimdal/libexec/kpasswdd
> #6  0x00000ade6d0009a6 in ?? () from /usr/local/heimdal/libexec/kpasswdd
> #7  0x0000000000000000 in ?? ()
> (gdb) x/i $pc
> 0xae0709ed5d6 <change+102>:     cmpl   $0x0,0xc8(%r14)

This is a structure member dereference at offset 200 from
a structure at $r14, which we see below is a NULL pointer:

> (gdb) i reg
> rax            0x76118487c2646c07       8507726889696390151
> rbx            0x1      1
> rcx            0x0      0
> rdx            0x1      1
> rsi            0xae13fbbe1a0    11962553196960
> rdi            0x0      0
> rbp            0x7f7ffffd58b0   0x7f7ffffd58b0
> rsp            0x7f7ffffd57a0   0x7f7ffffd57a0
> r8             0x0      0
> r9             0xae13fbbe4e0    11962553197792
> r10            0xae0a1066ab0    11959890504368
> r11            0xae0a299e000    11959916945408
> r12            0xae13fbbe1a0    11962553196960
> r13            0x0      0
> r14            0x0      0
> r15            0xae13fbbe4e0    11962553197792
> rip            0xae0709ed5d6    0xae0709ed5d6 <change+102>

Looking at the code for change(), this seems to be the
test condition for block:

    if (!context->keep_open) {
        ret = context->db->hdb_open(context->context, context->db, O_RDWR, 0);
            return ret;

So somehow the server_handle passed to change() is NULL.  Which
means that the kadm5_handle that kpasswdd passes to
kadm5_s_chpass_principal_cond() is NULL.  The handle is initialized via:

    ret = kadm5_init_with_password_ctx(context,
                                       &conf, 0, 0,

And failure short-circuits the call to kadm5_s_chpass_principal_cond()
so it is not clear how this could happen.  Debugging symbols are needed.


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