> On Aug 3, 2018, at 1:43 PM, ASV <a...@inhio.net> wrote:
> No, no crashes using "kadmin -l".

This shows that "kadmin" and the libkadm5srv.so library work fine.

Which libraries is "kadmin" linked with (post ldd output)?

Which libraries is "kpasswdd" linked with (post ldd output) and make
sure you're reporting the results for the right executable.

> With "it worked well" I was just referring to the fact that "kadmin -l cpw 
> ..." doesn't work when kpasswdd is down

That's not possible.  The "kadmin -l cpw" command makes local changes
directly in the HDB and does not use "kpasswdd".  Its behaviour cannot
depend on whether kpasswdd is running or not.  It is operates silently.

> Unfortunately I don't know why you do not get enough debug.

Presumably you did not install an executable with the debug symbols.


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