On Thu, Dec 20, 2018 at 09:40:39AM +0100, Harald Barth wrote:
> Have you considered that this could be a problem with TCP packet sizes and 
> Nagle's algorithm? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nagle%27s_algorithm
> We have identified back in 2015 that kadmin get * is slow because of
> this and I don't thinks that was ever fixed because one needs to
> restructure the whole send/receive program flow for this. To start
> with one could use TCP_NODELAY and see if that fixes the problem.
> Then if TCP_NODELAY is a permanent fix and should go into the
> production code is another question (which was never solved for the
> kadmin case if I recall corectly).
> This was just a guess,

It's a pretty good one.

The fsync() thing is a big deal by itself.  We should definitely make
sure we disable Nagle in most TCP protocols in Heimdal.


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